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2004-01-24 - 4:58 p.m.

'my hair has been a mess since i met you'

My mouth is so full of words about him that in their mad rush to come spilling out, they all get stuck to the roof of my mouth. And the tip of my tongue. My mouth thinks she knows better than me the rules about saying too much far far too soon. So she locks those words up. And keeps all but sealed.

Suffice it to say, though, that I've met a boy. A beautiful boy. A nice boy. A dream come to fucking life boy. And so even as I tap out these very words, part of me waits to be jolted awake. For him disappear completely. And the possibility of that, I admit, scares me a little bit. Probably a little bit too much. And I never thought being afraid could feel so fucking good.

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